Home » Testimonial from Zen-O™ and Zen-O™ lite user Bill Clark

Testimonial from Zen-O™ and Zen-O™ lite user Bill Clark

Published on 17 December 2019 by Hana Holasová

We got a testimonial letter from Zen-O™ and Zen-O™ lite user Bill Clark

Bill has been a COPD patient for 18 years. He is based in Ohio, USA but travels a lot as he is a committed COPD advocate. In his own words he “had the opportunity to use just about every brand of portable concentrator on the market”.

We were happy to read that Bill prefers to use our Zen-O™ and Zen-O™ lite portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) so much that he would like to recommend them. In his letter, Bill describes his experiences and the features that make our POCs “game changers” in the portable oxygen concentrator market.

Here you can read the whole letter.

Excerpts from the testimonial letter

 “I never felt totally comfortable when flying; that was changed when I tried The Zen-O and Zen-O lite… After the flight, I was able to walk off the plane unassisted and not out of breath.”

“One of the most remarkable things I have found is that both products are extremely sensitive to my breathing patterns and breathe with me instead of me having to try to breathe with it.”

“…since the units can titrate me at far lower settings than other units, I am afforded better battery endurance which means more time out.” 

“Both devices also feature user replaceable sieve beds which allows me to easily service the unit at home for a fraction of the cost of sending the unit out to a repair facility.”

“The Zen-O and the Zen-O lite have given me the ability to continue to be productive and enjoy my life and my work. I seldom write testimonials and when I do it is only because the product offers substantial benefit for my community, are reliable and do what they say they will; the Zen-O and Zen-O lite meet these criteria. If you are in the market for a portable concentrator you owe it to yourself to try these units out.”

Bill Clark, COPD Advocate