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Create safe spaces with GCE AGSS terminal unit

Publicado en 26 mayo 2021 por Hana Holasová

GCE Healthcare is now able to provide Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging Systems (AGSS) with terminal units.   Due to the hazardous nature of excess anaesthetic gas during operations, GCE recognizes the importance of this equipment and is pleased to add AGSS devices to our medical gas portfolio. With safety and reliability in mind, the systems m...

POTENTIAL FRAUD concerning GCE products

Publicado en 25 mayo 2021 por Hana Holasová

During the Pandemic, there are currently SCAM companies claiming to be GCE and offering GCE products, using the reference www.gcegroup.de. Please do not react to any kind of communication from this domain nor e-mails. This is not a part of GCE and anything from that domain should be reported. You can contact our marketing team marcoms@gcegroup.co...

Presentamos: MediMeter de alto flujo

Publicado en 24 mayo 2021 por Hana Holasová

Presentamos: MediMeter de alto flujo, un nuevo diseño que completa la gama de productos de flujometros de GCE. Con una capacidad de flujo de oxígeno mejorada que entrega hasta 60 lpm, permite terapias de oxígeno de alto flujo para pacientes afectados por COVID-19. Su diseño hace que la instalación, el mantenimien...

GCE Brewery system

Publicado en 21 mayo 2021 por Hana Holasová

For over 25 years we have supplied regulation systems to the hospitality and food industry. Thanks to GCE products functioning reliably behind the scenes, consumers can look forward to clean, safe and great tasting drinks every time. Our systems are designed to deliver the precise pressure and flow needed - whether it is a small single cylinder in...

GCE Stationary Oxygen Concentrators for India

Publicado en 7 mayo 2021 por Hana Holasová

India is experiencing unprecedented demand for Oxygen at the moment due to the terrible impact of the nationwide Covid outbreak. Oxygen concentrators from GCE Healthcare provide a viable alternative and complementary Oxygen source where oxygen cylinders are in high demand. Under a doctor’s prescription Oxygen concentrators can be safely...

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