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See GCE’s Pin-Index valves in action

发布 于 10 二月 2022 Hana Holasová

With GCE’s renowned reputation for innovation, the company has developed the industry’s leading, fully-functioning Residual Pressure Device (RPD) within the compact Medical Pin-Index valve.  You can now see the many benefits this smart device offers in a new animation created by GCE. Available for all medical gases with global in...

GCE ProTec®, our new premium cylinder regulator with maximum protection against accidental damage!

发布 于 7 二月 2022 Hana Holasová

We are pleased to inform you of the launch of our new cylinder regulator range GCE ProTec®. GCE ProTec® regulators replace the range of shielded Dincontrol regulators. Even safer and more robust, GCE ProTec® maintains all the technical characteristics of its predecessor. It was designed to withstand the harshest welding and cutting con...


发布 于 31 一月 2022 Hana Holasová

回顾2021年GCE医疗!我们不断发展壮大,持续为您提供最优质的医用气体控制设备。 举例如下: 高压减压器 - MediTec™ 流量计 - MediMeter® 60lpm, MediFlowTec™ 终端设备 - BSI HTM, AGSS 阀箱 - AVSU Slide Redesign of gcehealthcare.com 2022年,我们将继续助力医疗事业。 GCE 医疗团队 ...


发布 于 28 一月 2022 Hana Holasová

观看视频,了解我们最新的、时尚的、节约空间的区域阀箱. AVSU SLIDE区域阀箱单元,集成了截止阀箱,可用于监测和控制从气源到各部门或病房的使用点的气体压力。 发现更多 AVSU Slide  ...

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