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New Cutting parameters for Oxy-Fuel Cutting torches FIT+

发布 于 15 十二月 2020 Hana Holasová

When machine cutting a sheet of metal, you certainly need to know what equipment to choose and what values to set, so you perform the ignition, preheating, piercing, and cutting in the best way. We now introduce a new summary where you will learn these important facts as well as recommendations on the correct equipment and its setting. Please con...

GCE proFIT® machines

发布 于 10 十二月 2020 Anna Switkowska

We are happy to introduce new GCE proFIT® machines. very variable very precise very friendly to use GCE proFIT® SLM  Portable Straight Line Cutting Machine GCE proFIT® SLM is a universal cutting machine with lightweight design mainly for oxy-fuel cutting applications up to 150 mm metal sheet thick...

Warning before use!

发布 于 8 十二月 2020 Hana Holasová

As a result of Covid-19, more and more patients, who are already in a stable state, are resorting to home solutions using oxygen therapy. This can lead to accidents and is potentially dangerous! GCE medical combination valves connected to a medical oxygen cylinder are suitable for prescribed oxygen therapy, but should only be used following prescr...


发布 于 20 十一月 2020 Hana Holasová

11月18日是世界慢性阻塞性肺病日,是由慢性阻塞性肺病全球倡议(GOLD)与世界各地的保健专业人员和慢性阻塞性肺病患者团体合作组织的。它的目标是提高认识,分享知识,并讨论在全世界减轻患有慢性阻塞性肺病病人负担的方法。11月21日为世界COPD认知日。 患有慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)等长期肺部疾病的患者并不是没有挑战,但通过良好的治疗,患者仍然可以过上积极的生活方式。 访问我们的COPD页面,找到你需要了解的关于COPD的所有信息,它是如何影响人体的,以及有哪些推荐的治疗方法。如果你、你的朋友、你的家人或者你的病人正遭受着这种疾病的折磨,这里就是你学习如何控制它并积极生活的地方。 了解更多关于慢性阻塞性肺病的信息     Infographics "World ...

Ecosaver+, a new member of the GCE gas-saving program

发布 于 30 十月 2020 Hana Holasová

An improved Ecosaver+ is here to help optimize the costs of welding by saving the shielding gas.  When looking at the costs of welding, the consumables like the wires are usually considered to be the main item.  But the amount of gas consumed can not be ignored as well, as it causes unnecessary waste of a similar level.  If your ap...

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