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New from GCE Healthcare - AVSU and LVA HTM

发布 于 13 十二月 2022 Katerina Krivska

GCE Healthcare innovative area valve service units (AVSU) and line valve assemblies (LVA) from GCE Healthcare that are easy to install, maintain and operate.  Offering flexible installation options, the unit is straightforward to set-up and can be installed into all wall mounted configurations. Available with a customisable ball valve joint, ...

GCE Healthcare will be exhibiting at MEDICA 2022

发布 于 31 十月 2022 Hana Holasová

MEDICA 作为医疗和保健行业首屈一指的展会, 汇集了超过 100,000 家世界领先的设备、技术、药品和数字化解决方案的供应商。 MEDICA 每年在杜塞尔多夫展览中心举行,不仅全面展示了行业的最新创新,也是生产厂家和应用者之间的服务平台。 今年的展会规模比以往任何时候都更大,在疫情环境下,为面对面的交流活动提供了机会。 本次展会会有丰富的论坛、小组讨论、演讲和比赛计划。 GCE Healthcare展台在杜塞尔多夫 11 号展厅J04 展位,期待与各位参会者的会面。 请记住我们的展位号,期待您的莅临。展会期间,我们将为您展示行业领先的医疗解决方案,例如我们最新的患者护理在线平台 Clarity,它正在彻底改变患者和专业人士获取医用气体数据的方式。  ...

The HOSPITAL of XXI century

发布 于 25 十月 2022 Hana Holasová

This conference was organized already for 7th time and we were there! This is a one day event dedicated to the technical management of hospitals mainly with over 80 participants from Poland. Lectures were performed by both hospital and industry speakers, and were concentrated on new technologies and modern solutions in various areas, including al...


发布 于 11 十月 2022 Hana Holasová

正在寻找能够在高压医疗环境中使用的低压软管? GCE医疗拥有最全系列的低压医用软管系统。可以简单、快速地连接至您的专业设备。 此外,我们创新设计的探头也符合大多数国际标准,确保与世界各地的中央供气系统无缝安全连接。 相信 GCE 医疗可提供标准的简单且卓越的解决方案。 对我们的低压软管供应有信心 用于管理所有医用气体 各种长度供选 医院环境和紧急救援均适用 使用我们新的web configurator 工具,可在几分钟内选到合适的低压软管和探头. 下载软管系统目录册,获得详细信息。Hose system brochure ...

GCE on EUROBLECH 2022 – Europe's premier sheet metal exhibition

发布 于 7 十月 2022 Hana Holasová

From Tuesday 25th until Friday 28th October, our GCE Cutting and welding team will be there together with the partner company IHT Automation showcasing the world-leading solutions for oxy-fuel cutting processes, e.g. Automatic Process Control system (APC) as well as integrated cutting torch systems FIT+ two and FIT+ three. Come and meet us at stan...

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