Produits GCE pour lutter contre le COVID-19 Découvrir close
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Fully compliant medical devices

publié sur 24 juin 2022 par Hana Holasová

At GCE, we’re dedicated to making our medical gas devices safer and highly effective for those in the health professional sphere.  We ensure the design, manufacture, packaging, labelling, storage of products complies with ISO standards and FDA guidance so that you can provide patients with the highest standards of safety and c...

Délais de livraison | Robinets GCE

publié sur 9 juin 2022 par Hana Holasová

En tant que fabricant de longue date de robinets techniques et médicaux, nous souhaitons vous informer de notre bonne situation actuelle en matière de délais de livraison. Nous sommes heureux que, malgré une conjoncture défavorable, nous puissions vous offrir nos délais de livraison habituels, tant pour le...

Discover GCE’s leading emergency gas equipment for ambulances

publié sur 31 mai 2022 par Hana Holasová

At GCE Healthcare, we’re renowned for providing leading healthcare solutions. In our latest animation, learn how we can help equipment specifiers design gas supply in ambulance, prepared for any emergency. Watch to discover our healthcare solutions for administration of medical gases in road ambulances. Here, you’ll rece...

MediMeter® flow-metering device from GCE Healthcare

publié sur 24 mai 2022 par Hana Holasová

Looking for a flowmeter device?  Watch the video to find out why you should choose GCE’s solution - MediMeter® Featuring an ergonomic design, 4 different flow options and a range of connections - this innovative device seamlessly connects to central gas supply systems.  ...

How to select regulators and flow meters for medical oxygen

publié sur 19 mai 2022 par Hana Holasová

HISTORY OF MEDICAL REGULATORS The first medical regulators were just industrial regulators with a few alterations. Today’s medical gas control devices have many advanced design features that make them easier to use, more accurate, simpler to maintain and less costly. Now, as COVID-19 has brought about the highest need for medical oxygen than...

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